Building a Robust Model Risk Management Culture: Overcoming Common Challenges 


Model Risk Management (MRM) plays a pivotal role in safeguarding an organization's decision-making processes and ensuring the reliability of financial models. However, many businesses face substantial challenges in establishing a strong and adequate MRM culture. At the Credit Scoring and Credit Control conference in Edinburgh last August, Dan Hensel from 4most and I discussed the vital aspects of Model Risk Management and how to foster a robust MRM culture within an organization. In this article, I'll summarize our insights and share common hurdles organizations encounter on this journey. 

Common Challenges 

Limited Skilled Resources 

One of the primary obstacles faced by organizations is the shortage of skilled resources. Effective MRM requires individuals with specialized knowledge and expertise in many types of modelling, often in short supply. 

Inconsistencies Across Teams/Departments 

Inconsistencies in MRM practices across different teams and departments can lead to confusion and inefficiencies. A standardized approach is crucial to ensure uniformity in policy and governance. 

Lack of Information and Reporting 

Insufficient access to critical information and reporting tools hampers effective model risk management. Transparency and real-time insights are essential for informed decision-making. 

Disparate Systems and Manual Processes 

Many organizations rely on disparate systems and manual processes, resulting in inefficiencies and increased risk. Streamlining workflows and automating tasks is essential for a more efficient MRM process. 

The Requirements of Model Risk Management 

Regardless of whether MRM is mandated by regulations, it typically encompasses the following requirements: 

Paragon's Focus Software Solution 

Paragon's Focus software solution for MRM directly addresses these challenges and requirements, built on three key pillars: 

(i) Centralized Model Inventory: 

Focus maintains a centralized model inventory that is automatically updated, ensuring that the latest information is readily available to all stakeholders. 

(ii) Automated Workflows: 

The software automates workflows, allowing for consistent and standardized processes across all departments and throughout each model’s lifecycle. 

(iii) Dashboards and Reporting: 

Focus provides easy-to-create and distribute dashboards and reports, ensuring a single source of truth for all models across the organization. This includes reporting on findings, action plans, and overdue tasks. 

Benefits of a Systemic Approach 

Adopting a systemic approach to MRM through Focus yields numerous benefits: 

Standardized Workflows: Focus promotes standardized workflows, ensuring that strong policies and governance are implemented consistently across all departments and model life-stages. 

Centralized Model Inventory Maintenance: The system automatically maintains and updates the centralized model inventory, reducing administrative burdens. 

Efficiency Through Automation: Focus handles administrative tasks such as notifications, emails, and report generation, allowing your experts to focus on value-added work. 

Accurate Reporting: With a single source of truth for all models, Focus minimizes human error risks and omissions, ensuring that nothing goes unnoticed or falls through the cracks. 

Transparency and Oversight: The system provides transparency, control, reporting, and oversight, along with a complete audit trail of actions taken. 

In Conclusion

Model Risk Management is a vital discipline that is here to stay and will continue to expand globally. Effective MRM not only benefits businesses that use models but also individuals and firms affected by model-driven actions and decisions. Technology, such as Paragon's Focus software solution, plays a pivotal role in implementing MRM best practices across an organization, fostering a strong MRM culture that unifies teams and ensures everyone is working towards the same goals. 

If you're interested in learning more about how Focus can enhance your MRM practices, please contact us at


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